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(682) 206-6167


Professional Lawn Aeration Services

Promote Healthy Growth with SCAPED NOT SCALPED

A lush, vibrant lawn starts with healthy soil. At SCAPED, our professional lawn aeration services are designed to improve soil structure, enhance root growth, and promote a healthier, greener lawn. Aeration is a crucial step in maintaining a thriving landscape, ensuring your grass receives the air, water, and nutrients it needs.

What is Lawn Aeration?

Lawn aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This process helps to:
Our Aeration Process

Our Expert Aeration Process

Frequently Asked Question

How often should I aerate my lawn?
The frequency of aeration depends on the type of grass and soil conditions. Generally, it’s recommended to aerate your lawn once a year. For high-traffic areas or lawns with heavy clay soil, twice a year may be beneficial.
Signs that your lawn may need aeration include compacted soil, water pooling or runoff, thin or patchy grass, excessive thatch build-up, and difficulty in inserting a screwdriver into the soil.
While you can rent aeration equipment and do it yourself, professional aeration ensures the job is done correctly and efficiently. Our experts have the right tools and experience to provide the best results for your lawn.
After aeration, it’s important to water your lawn thoroughly and apply a quality fertilizer to promote healthy growth. Avoid heavy foot traffic on the lawn for a few days to allow the soil to settle and the grass to recover.
Yes, aeration can help with weed control by promoting a thicker, healthier lawn that is better able to compete with weeds. Combined with proper fertilization and mowing practices, aeration can significantly reduce weed growth.
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