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(682) 206-6167

Lawn Repair

Expert Lawn Repair Services

Revitalize Your Lawn with SCAPED NOT SCALPED

At SCAPED NOT SCALPED, we specialize in transforming damaged and patchy lawns into lush, green landscapes. Our comprehensive lawn repair services address common lawn issues such as bare spots, thinning grass, and pest damage. With our expertise and dedication, we ensure your lawn becomes the beautiful, healthy foundation your landscape deserves.

Our Comprehensive Lawn Repair Process

Our lawn repair process is designed to restore your lawn to its optimal health and appearance. Here’s how we do it:
Benefits of Professional Lawn Repair

Why Choose Professional Lawn Repair?

Frequently Asked Question

What causes bare spots in my lawn?
Bare spots can be caused by several factors, including heavy foot traffic, pet damage, poor soil conditions, pests, or diseases. Our lawn repair services include a thorough assessment to identify the root cause and implement effective solutions.
The time it takes to see results can vary based on the extent of the damage and the specific treatments applied. Generally, you can expect to see noticeable improvements within a few weeks, with full recovery taking a few months.
We use a variety of grass seeds that are well-suited to your local climate and soil conditions. During our assessment, we will recommend the best grass types to ensure a lush and resilient lawn.
We use eco-friendly and effective treatments to control pests and weeds. Our approach includes identifying the specific pests and weeds affecting your lawn and applying targeted solutions that are safe for your family and pets.
Yes, our lawn repair services include recommendations and maintenance plans to prevent future issues. This may involve regular aeration, proper fertilization, pest and weed control, and ongoing lawn health monitoring to ensure your lawn remains vibrant and healthy.
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