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(682) 206-6167


Expert Tree Services

Healthy, Beautiful Trees for Your Landscape

At SCAPED NOT SCALPED, we offer a full range of tree services to enhance the beauty, health, and safety of your landscape. From planting and pruning to removal and maintenance, our team of certified arborists is dedicated to providing top-notch tree care. Let us help you create a landscape that is both stunning and sustainable.

Professional Tree Planting

Choosing the right trees for your landscape can significantly enhance its beauty and value. Our tree planting services include:
Benefits of Our Tree Services

Why Choose SCAPED NOT SCALPED for Your Tree Care?

Frequently Asked Question

How do I choose the right tree species for my property?
We offer a variety of materials including natural stone, pavers, brick, and concrete. Each material has its own aesthetic and functional benefits, and we’ll help you choose the best option for your style and budget.
Choosing the right tree depends on various factors such as soil type, sunlight exposure, climate, and your landscape goals. Our certified arborists will assess your property and recommend species that will thrive in your environment while complementing your landscape design.
The frequency of pruning depends on the type of tree and its growth rate. Generally, most trees benefit from pruning every 3-5 years. However, some fast-growing species may require more frequent pruning. We recommend having a professional evaluation to determine the best schedule for your trees.
Signs that a tree may need to be removed include significant dead or dying branches, visible decay or fungus, leaning significantly, roots damaging structures, and pest infestations. If you notice any of these issues, it’s essential to have a certified arborist assess the tree’s health and safety
To keep your trees healthy, regular maintenance is essential. This includes proper watering, mulching, fertilization, and regular inspections for pests and diseases. We offer comprehensive tree health and maintenance services to ensure your trees remain vibrant and strong throughout the year.
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